GeoEye satellite has two satellites that GeoEye-1 and GeoEye-2. GeoEye-1 satellite launched by GeoEye Inc. who had also been issued IKONOS satellite which is sub-meter satellite a world first. GeoEye-1 is equipped with advanced technologies, used also by the artificial satellite company General Dynamics. GeoEye-1 satellite construction will cost $ 502 million a bear is Google and the NGA as its main sponsor. There is a Google logo is displayed on the side of the Delta II rocket is a rocket that launched GeoEye.
ITT Corporation is a maker of cameras on the satellite sensor is then in January 2007 sent to General Dynamics to be integrated into the GeoEye-1. Aerial photographs Kutztwon University Campus is the first image produced by the GeoEye-1 after the calibration process is complete.
Software Specification and GeoEye
GeoEye satellite capable of producing images with resolution up to 0.41 meters with a black-and-white sensor and 1.65 meter for a color sensor. Image resolution capability is owned by GeoEye is ideal for large scale mapping. GeoEye's orbit at an altitude of 681 km above the Earth and moving at 7.5 miles per hour.
GeoEye can map natural and man-made features to within 3 meters of the actual location on the earth because of GeoEye has a three-meter accuracy. In other commercial imaging system, this level of accuracy never achieved before, ever.
GeoEye has a very high accuracy and can collect a lot of images on a single pengorbitan. ITT was designing these satellites to be able to shoot multiple targets at all orbits. To get a thorough imaging, satellite was programmed in order to move forward, back, right and left of the target.
Frequency GeoEye Pengorbitan
GeoEye to orbit with a frequency of 15 times a day and takes 98 minutes to orbit. This satellite is also used to complement the IKONOS satellite system, but in the process of collecting GeoEye satellite images much faster which is 40% faster to collect black-and-white and 25% faster for color images. Both of these satellites in a single day can synthesize 1 million sq. km imaging results.
In black and white mode, GeoEye can perform imaging of an area of 700 000 km2 or area of the city of Texas, while in color mode can GeoEye imagery covering 350 000 km2 - with the help of the camera optical telescopes, detectors, focal plane and the digital processor.
GeoEye Satellite function on Google
GeoEye satellite used in the web-based map service Google Earth and Google Maps. In addition to Google, GeoEye also provides data with high resolution imaging results for the interests of the United States through the NGA.