- To find out the value of pixel image, right-click on the image window and select the Cell Values Profile
- Click on the image window, then the pixel value at that point will appear
- The image has been geometrically corrected coordinate values. To display it, right-click on the image window and select Cell Coordinate.
- Click on the image window, then the coordinates of the point will appear.
- To keep the algorithm results, from the menu bar select File, then select Save As, type the name of the algorithm, algorithm or by clicking Save to save the algorithm directly or click the Save Algorithm As if to give a new name for an existing algorithm.
- For example saved as rgb542.alg.
- To open up the algorithm, from the menu bar select File, then select Open, select the name of the algorithm are shown.
- In the image of the image will appear with the words
thereon. 542 rgb sentence indicates that the algorithm file being opened is rgb542.alg. while other signs have been described previously..
Algorithm is the basic building within ER Mapper algorithm stores all the information necessary to display the data as an image. The information stored in an algorithm includes a data source, the colors used for display, data processing steps in detail. An algorithm is a revolutionary concept that separates the data from data processing. All data integration, data processing options other files contained in the algorithm. All this is created and edited by ER Mapper, ER Mapper which contain different types of data processing algorithms.