Reflection Spectral vegetation, soil and water

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Images: Reflected electromagnetic energy of the Sun of spectral vegetation, soil and water received by sansor satellite.
In Figure 4. demonstrated a reflection curve on the three main objects spectral on the surface of the Earth, i.e. healthy green leafy vegetation, bare ground (grayish brown clay), and crystal clear waters. The line on the curve presents the average reflection curves created with measurement of sample tour of which there are many (Lillesand. 2002). This curve shows an indicator about the type of conditions related to object. Although the object is invidual reflection will differ large above and under average rating, but the curve shows some fundamental points related to the spectral reflection.  Healthy vegetation is green due to the magnitude of the energy absorption in the Green spectrum. If the plants suffered some disruption, and will affect the growth process and production up to par then it would reduce or shut down the production of chlorophyll. As a result of the lack of absorption by chlorophyll in the blue and Red channels. Often reflected on spek .

Images: spectral Reflection Curves that characterize an object of vegetation, soil and water.

Sensors and Probes (Flatform) remote sensing Technology

  1. Sensor

 The Sensor is a device used to measure and record electromagnetic energy. In remote sensing, sensor system can be distinguished into two categories: active and passive sensors sensors. Blurb about it, as follows:

  • Passive Sensors

For passive sensors depending on the source of energy from the outside, the Sun. So that remote sensing system passive receiving reflected energy and/or emitted from the Earth's surface. Remote sensing satellite technologies that use sensors with channel looks eye (visible) and infrared.  Camera photography is a passive sensor is the most old and worn. As another example of passive sensor is gamma-ray spectrometer, aerial cameras, video cameras and scanners, thermal and multispektral and sebagainnya

Image 6.  System of remote sensing satellite remote sensors.

Active Sensor

For active sensors have their own source of energy. Measurement with active sensors more controllable since it does not depend on weather conditions and time.  For example, the sensor is active among other scanner LASER, RADAR altimeter, RADAR Imagery, and so on.

Image: System sensor's active and passive microwave system with optical sensor and satellite imagery produced. Cloud coverage penetration ability in gelombangan micro mengasilkan image of a clean of the cloud cover.
2      2. (Probe) Platform

Vehicle system (platform) remote sensing can be bright in the two systems, the first remote sensing by airborne, i.e. by using the aircraft (aircraft), a hot air balloon, and so on. The second is a remote sensing system and using the system speceborne i.e. using a probe satellite, spacecraft, and sebagainnya.

More aboutReflection Spectral vegetation, soil and water

Energy Electromagnetic Interactions by atmosphere

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1. Energy Electromagnetic Interactions by atmosphere

All radiation is detected by satellite remote sensing systems through the atmosphere with a certain distance or path length. Tesebut path length can vary in length. In the photography of the space generated from solar radiation that passes through two thick full-time Earth's atmosphere on its journey from the source of radiation to the sensor. In addition, a thermal sensor which detects the energy emitted by objects on Earth, over a distance in the atmosphere is relatively short. Differences in distance traveled, atmospheric conditions, the wavelength used and the amount of signal energy that affects the sense of total variation in the atmosphere.
Influence of the atmosphere varies greatly depending on the intensity and spectral composition of radiation available to a satellite remote sensing system. This influence is caused by the scattering mechanism (scattering) and absorption (absorption) atmospheric.

Figure 3. Scattering (Scattering) and Resapan (Absorption)

2. Energy Electromagnetic Interactions with Earth's Surface

Energy part of the object on the surface of the earth will be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted by applying the law of conservation of energy. In the law of conservation of energy can be expressed as the reciprocal relationship between the three types of interaction energy, as follows:

E1  (l) = ER (l) + EA +ET (l)

E1 = energy of the object
ER = the reflected energy
EA = energy absorbed
ET = energy of the transmitted

The equation above is an energy balance equation that shows the interrelationships between the mechanisms of reflection, absorption and transmission. From the above equation there are 2 (two) things:
  • Part of the energy reflected, absorbed and transmitted will vary depending on the type of material and conditions of earth objects. Of these differences, allowing us to distinguish different objects in an image.
  • With different wavelengths, for the same object the energy reflected, absorbed and transmitted will likely differ, as a result, these spectral variations will produce a visual effect of color. For example: the object is blue when the object is much to reflect the spectrum of blue, green when many reflect the green spectrum, and so on. So that the visual interpretation by eye can use the spectral variation in the magnitude of the reflected energy to distinguish between different objects.

More aboutEnergy Electromagnetic Interactions by atmosphere

Free ArGIS Tutorial Basic

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ArcGIS Tutorial is highly sought by those who want to learn ArcGIS independently. On the mailing list several times a member rsgisforum also questioned it. A search on Google with keywords "ArcGIS Tutorial" always found the foreign-language tutorial (English), while the needs of those who are looking for is in the Indonesian language.

A friend gave me ArcGIS module created by GIS Consortium team Aceh Nias. And the best part of this module is in Bahasa Indonesia. You can see on the front cover right?

ArcGIS Tutorial contents in Indonesian language is quite complete for the basic level (Basic). To detail the contents of this tutorial, I quote the following table of contents, which I took from the module.




CHAPTER IV. rectification


CHAPTER VI. Vector data editing





Then Bagimana and where can I get it? Maybe you like it .. pertanyan I myself hesitated to publish it to the public via the internet so that all who need it can get. But with my intention to divide and principled "Not In Eat Yourself" then the module Basic language Tutorial ArcGIS Indonesia is my share to my friends in need. Previously I apologize if anyone objected to what I'm doing this.
Can you see the download link at the end of this post, I was also shared modules made ​​my own ArcView 3.3. I also intend even harder to write about GIS tips and tricks in this blog, because it's been a long time I did not write in this blog. OK, I hope useful ...

More aboutFree ArGIS Tutorial Basic


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I. Definitions and Basic Concepts

Remote sensing is the science, technology and art data acquisition and data processing to record the interaction between electromagnetic energy to an object. In other words can be defined as the science, technology and art of obtaining information about an object, area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data obtained with an instrument without direct contact with the object, area, or phenomenon under review.

In general, remote sensing showed activity recording, observation and capture the phenomenon of objects or events from a certain distance. In Is Much far, the sensor does not directly contact with the object being observed. Conductor means that information needs to physically travel from the object to the sensor through the medium.

Tutorial on training is more limited remote sensing technology to obtain information on the Earth's surface (sea and land) by using a sensor on the satellite platform and Spaceborne (spacecraft).

Creating Your Own Using Toolbox ArcGIS10

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ArcToolbox has a very important function in the operation of ArcGIS. If we have an ArcInfo license we will have lots of tools in ArcToolbox. However, because there were so many, sometimes we are having trouble finding the tools that we want to use. The following tutorial shows how to create and manage your own toolbox.

  1. Open ArcMap (or ArcCatalog)
  2. Activate the ArcToolbox window
  3. Right click on the folder indux ArcToolbox>
  4. Navigate to the folder where it saved our toolbox
  5. Click on the New Toolbox
  6. Give the name, for example gistutorial.tbx

Note: If you want to be at the top of our toolbox, use the number before the name of the toolbox, for example 1gistutorial.tbx

7. Select the toolbox> Open

8. Right click on the toolbox that was made> New> toolset

9. Create a toolset as follows

10. Copy and Paste toolbar from ESRI standard toolbar into the toolset that we have made

All the tools are often used we put on a toolset that we have made.

11. Save the toolbox to the file

To save the toolbox to the file can be done by right click on toolbox 1gistutorial> Save As

Note: Toolbox refers to the file (Step 6). If the toolbox file was moved, it needs to be added back into the project.

More aboutCreating Your Own Using Toolbox ArcGIS10

Electromagnetic Energy in Remote Sensing Satellite

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Visible light is one of several forms of electromagnetic energy, radio waves, ultraviolet rays and X rays are also other forms of energy are prevalent.

Figure: Illustration of recording a variety of phenomena that exist on the surface using remote sensing technology.

Basically, all the energy is the same and perform in accordance with the basic theory of radiation waves. In Figure 1. demonstrated the basic theory of electromagnetic energy that moves in harmony with the sinusoidal shape of the speed of light c. Based on the concept of basic physics, the wave has the following general equation:

C  =  f  x  l

c  =  speed of light (3 x 108 m / sec)
f   =  frequency
l  =  wavelength

Picture: Electromagnetic waves with components including electrical sinusoidal wave (E) and magnetic sinusoidal wave (M).

In the satellite remote sensing, electromagnetic wave grouping most commonly used wavelength is placed in position in the electromagnetic spectrum (Fig. 2.).

Figure 2. electromagnetic spectrum

Name of the spectrum is usually used in the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infrared waves, radio waves, microwaves, and so forth. And the spectrum has no clear boundaries between one part of the spectrum with the spectrum of the next one .. Part of the visible spectrum ( 0.4 to 0.7 μm) on a logarithmic image is part of a narrow, has a sensitivity to the human eye

The nature of electromagnetic radiation more easily described by using the wave theory, but the interaction between electromagnetic energy with matter can be explained by the theory of particles. Particle theory states that electromagnetic radiation consists of several separate parts are referred to as photons. The relationship between the wave theory with quantum theory in the behavior of electromagnetic radiation can be explained by the following equation:

E  =  hc / l

So it can be said the longer the wavelength used the lower energy content.

More aboutElectromagnetic Energy in Remote Sensing Satellite